Climate Info


In the flood of information on climate policy and science, it was necessary to create a platform that enables users to quickly access relevant information and get involved in climate protection.

Project goals

  • Development of a clearly structured and user-friendly information platform
  • Implementation of a search function with filters for categories and keywords
  • Development of a monthly climate newspaper
  • High-quality design and technical implementation


The design was developed in Figma to ensure a modern and appealing user interface. Wundernetz was responsible for the pixel-perfect implementation of the design. The customer specified the CMS WordPress, as knowledge of this was already available and was to replace existing parts of a Kirby CMS website. In addition, an integration with Getpocket has been implemented to facilitate the collection and management of the weekly climate update.


  • Effective information transfer: The clearly structured design and simple navigation allow users to quickly find out about climate topics.
  • Commitment to climate protection: The platform supports users in actively participating in climate protection and making a well-founded contribution.
  • Increased user interaction: The filter and recommendation functions promote interaction on the site and increase user loyalty.
  • Technical precision and reliability: The technical implementation meets the highest standards and ensures a trouble-free user experience.

Further support

Wundernetz continues to be responsible for technical support and ensures that the platform always functions smoothly.

Climate Info Association
December 2023
February 2024