Why it is essential to update website plugins regularly

There are important reasons why you should update your plugins regularly: Let’s take a closer look at these reasons: New functions At first glance, the introduction of new functions through plugin updates may seem unimportant. But in reality, these updates can be crucial to keeping your website up to date and meeting the ever-changing demands […]

How much value does your website have? A question of turnover

Zwei Handwerker, die sich Zahlen anschauen

Important: Tracking is not 100% accurate, but the figures give a good indication and above all a comparative value. In today’s digital world, a website is far more than just a business card on the internet; it is one of the most powerful tools in your business arsenal. But despite its importance, many SME owners […]

The Newsletter Plugin for WordPress – The Comprehensive Analysis


In today’s digital era, effective email marketing is crucial to stay connected with your audience and boost your online presence. “The Newsletter Plugin for WordPress” offers you a powerful and user-friendly solution for creating and managing appealing newsletter campaigns. In this newsletter, we’ll take a look at the key features of this versatile plugin and […]

Which CMS was used? Here’s how to find out!

Wondering which CMS was used for a particular website? Whether you want to check the competition or simply gather inspiration, it’s always good to know what technology is behind a website. In this article, I will show you various methods for finding out which content management system(CMS) was used. Why is it important to know […]

Flat File CMS Kirby and Grav CMS

Content management systems (CMS) are the backbone of many websites on the Internet. Traditionally, many CMS rely on databases to store and retrieve content. But a growing number of web developers and companies are opting for a simpler, often faster solution: the flat file CMS. What is a flat file CMS? A flat file CMS […]

Kirby Websites – An example under the magnifying glass

Choosing the right content management system (CMS) is critical to the success of a Kirby website in today’s digital world. While there are numerous options such as WordPress and Joomla, Kirby CMS offers a unique blend of flexibility, security and ease of use.(Kirby vs WordPress: Which CMS is best for SMEs?). Kirby offers a unique […]

Web design companies vs. freelancers: advantages and disadvantages

In the digital era, a professional and appealing website is essential for a company’s success. It serves not only as a business card, but also as a sales platform, source of information and much more. When it comes to creating or revising such a website, companies are faced with the decision of whether they should […]

Construction kit for websites: Advantages and disadvantages and their sensible use

In today’s digital world, an online presence is almost indispensable for companies and individuals. But not everyone has the time or the technical skills to create a website from scratch. This is where website construction kits come into play. These user-friendly tools enable even non-experts to create a professional-looking website without having to write a […]

Local Directories in Switzerland: Your guide to a successful online presence

In the digital era, companies can no longer imagine life without an online presence. For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Switzerland, it is particularly important to be listed in local directories in order to increase visibility and attract potential customers. Local Directories offer a platform on which companies can present their services and products […]