Start your homepage with these two W questions

A good website starts before it comes to colors, content or structure. The successful homepage starts with the following two questions:

Who should the website reach?

What should the visitor do on the website?

Who should the website reach?

Customers or potential visitors can be segmented according to different criteria.

  • Age group
  • What nationality and language
  • Certain preferences (e.g. luxury furniture)
  • Women or men
  • Experts or laypersons
  • From where do visitors access the site (from the construction site, from the basement…)

This question is not easy to answer and answering it with “all” is not helpful. The more precisely the target group is defined, the more targeted the page and the content can be designed.

So-called \”Personas\” are a possible aid. You specifically define a fantasy person (let’s call him Max) who embodies your target group exactly. If you create the website now, you can always think about whether Max would like it.

Perhaps you also have a customer who you know well and who embodies your target group, all the better. It is of course also possible to have different personas.

What should the visitor do on the website?

Ideally, these are measurable actions, which makes it very easy to check progress:

  • Should he buy something?
  • Should he call you?
  • Should he book an appointment?

What should Max do on your site? Ideally, these are clearly measurable actions. However, \”softer\” are also possible actions:

  • He should feel the company culture
  • Spend your free time
  • He should gain an overview of the products

With the answers to these two questions, you are well equipped to start planning your website.

What does that mean for me?

If you already have a website, try answering the two questions and see to what extent your existing website fulfills these criteria. This is a good basis for planning improvements. We will of course be happy to support you in your endeavor.