Search engine optimization for WordPress – The ultimate guide

  You can either pay for clicks or build your site so that customers find it themselves. With WordPress, you have an excellent tool at your fingertips. In this article, I’ll show you how to do search engine optimization for WordPress. You don’t feel like it? Then we will be happy to help you with […]

To the right content – Part 4 – SEO

Last but not least, the topic of “SEO”. The grab bag of “web design practices”. In parts 1, 2 and 3, I looked at the creation of text and images. The last part is about how this content can be optimally prepared for the Internet. To do this, we need to briefly clarify the term […]

what is https and why is it important

To get straight to the point: httpS has to do with security and, more recently, with marketing. In this post I briefly explain why https is not only important for banks but for every website operator. What does https mean? HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure and is an encrypted connection between a web […]

These forms of content make your page more attractive

The About Us page, the contact form and the description of the services/products are simple and self-explanatory. But what now? Google loves content. The more good content you have, the better your ranking in Google will be. Here are a few ideas of what other types of content you can include on your site. […]

Easily check the SEO of your own website

SEO is a bit of a grab bag, but with seorch you can gain insights even as a layman. If you have no idea what SEO is, read our article“What does SEO mean?“. Google guards its secret like Coca-Cola guards its recipe. So nobody knows exactly which factors affect the ranking of a website and […]

First steps to advertising on Google

Google processes 40,000 search queries per second. This corresponds to around 3.5 billion search queries per day. With every search query, Google sells the opportunity to place advertising. Advertising that you can book. While SEO is used to achieve a good ranking on Google without money, you can use Adwords to buy these good rankings. […]

What does SEO mean?

The question \”What does SEO\” mean is easy to answer: SEO comes from the English and stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO = Search Engine Optimization That already answers the question and the post is actually finished. However, I would like to expand a little at this point. […]